For color d or completely colorless diamond is the highest grade.
Best diamond color and clarity.
S1 slightly included is a good clarity rating with vs2 very slightly included being very good and vs1 considered excellent.
Diamonds come in a variety of colors some of them highly prized pinks blues even yellow.
Fl or flawless is the highest grade for clarity.
While flawless and colorless diamonds are extremely rare cut determines a diamond s true value.
Typically the more sparkle the diamond has the higher it rates on the clarity scale.
How diamond clarity affects what your stone looks like.
So the larger the diamond you buy the higher the color and clarity grades you should look for.
Evaluating diamond clarity involves determining the number size relief nature and position of these characteristics as well as how these affect the overall appearance of the stone.
An fl diamond has no imperfections even when magnified 10x by a professional.
Gemologists use sophisticated tools including 10x magnification to determine the clarity of diamonds but most of us simply look at it sparkle to determine which diamond clarity is best.
The less body color in a white diamond the more true color it will reflect and thus the greater its value.
The best clarity grade depends on the shape of your diamond.
Clarity ranges from f for flawless an exceptionally rare diamond to i1 and i2 for diamonds that have visible flaws.
The clarity of a diamond is a measure of the diamond s faults known as inclusions.
If you are trying to determine what is the best clarity for a diamond remember that no diamond is perfectly pure.
However in a white diamond the presence of a yellow tint will lower the price of a diamond.
For round cut diamonds under 1 carat a vs2 or si1 clarity grade will give you an eye clean diamond sometimes even si2 doesn t have visible inclsuions.
For more color and clarity combinations read these recommendations.
In my experience gia diamonds with a clarity grade of vs1 or better are always eye clean this is why vs2 si1 and si2 grades are the perfect clarity range to browse for low cost eye clean stones.
A stone much larger than one carat should usually have a clarity of vs2 or higher and preferably a color grade around g or h.